This Ancient Whale May Have Been the Heaviest Animal Ever

Published: August 02, 2023

Paleontologists on Wednesday unveiled the fossilized bones of one of many strangest whales in historical past. The 39-million-year-old leviathan, known as Perucetus, might have weighed about 200 tons, as a lot as a blue whale — by far the heaviest animal identified, till now.

While blue whales are glossy, fast-swimming divers, Perucetus was a really totally different beast. The researchers suspect that it drifted lazily by means of shallow coastal waters like a mammoth manatee, propelling its sausage-like physique with a paddle-shaped tail.

Some consultants cautioned that extra bones must be found earlier than a agency estimate of Perucetus’s weight could possibly be made. But all of them agreed that the weird discover would change the way in which paleontologists noticed the evolution of whales from land mammals.

“This is a weird and stupendous fossil, for sure,” mentioned Nicholas Pyenson, a paleontologist on the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, who was not concerned within the research. “It’s clear from this discovery that there are so many other ways of being a whale that we have not yet discovered.”

Mario Urbina, a paleontologist on the Museum of Natural History on the National University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru, first set eyes on Perucetus in 2010. He was strolling throughout the Atacama Desert in southern Peru when he observed a rocky bump bulging out of the sand. When he and his colleagues completed digging it out, the lump proved to be a big vertebra.

Digging additional, the researchers discovered 13 vertebrae in whole, together with 4 ribs and a part of a pelvis. Except for the pelvis, all of the fossils had been remarkably dense and unusually thickened, making it exhausting to determine what sort of animal they belonged to.

Only the pelvis revealed precisely what the scientists had discovered. Unlike the opposite bones, the pelvis was small and delicately fashioned. It had crests and different distinctive options that exposed it to be a whale’s — specifically, from an early department of the evolutionary tree of whales.

Whales advanced from dog-sized land mammals about 50 million years in the past. Some of the earliest species advanced brief limbs and almost definitely led a seal-like existence, looking for fish after which hauling themselves onto the shore to breed.

Those early whales disappeared after a couple of million years. They had been changed by a bunch of completely aquatic whales known as basilosaurids. These slinky beasts may develop so long as a college bus however retained vestiges of their life on land — together with tiny hind legs, full with toes.

Basilosaurids dominated the oceans till about 35 million years in the past. As they grew to become extinct, one other group of whales emerged, giving rise to the ancestors of residing whales.

Today’s largest whales, like blue whales and fin whales, solely reached their gargantuan sizes previously few million years. Shifts in ocean currents supported huge populations of krill and different invertebrates close to the poles. The whales may develop immense by scooping up these prey on lunging dives.

The pelvis of Perucetus revealed it to be a basilosaurid, however the whale had advanced right into a basilosaurid not like any discovered earlier than. Eli Amson, an skilled on bone tissue on the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart, Germany, discovered that its ribs and backbone had additional layers of outer bone, giving them bloated shapes.

A typical bone is stuffed with pores, which make it lighter with out sacrificing power. Dr. Amson noticed that the bones of Perucetus had been strong all through. The fossil is so exhausting in elements that it will be unattainable to drive a nail into it with a hammer.

“It would make nothing but sparks,” he mentioned.

Dr. Amson and his colleagues made three-dimensional scans of the fossil bones to be able to reconstruct the whale’s full skeleton. They in contrast Perucetus to different basilosaurids which were preserved from head to tail.

If the remainder of Perucetus had been a denser, thickened model of those whales, its full skeleton would weigh between 5.8 and eight.3 tons. That would imply Perucetus had the heaviest skeleton of any mammal — bones that had been twice as heavy as a blue whale’s.

That cumbersome skeleton additionally means that Perucetus had a thick, barrel-like physique. Even although Perucetus was solely about two-thirds the size of a blue whale, Dr. Amson and his colleagues suspect that it weighed about the identical.

“It’s definitely in the blue whale ballpark,” Dr. Amson mentioned.

Dr. Pyenson, of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, thought it was untimely to make such an estimate. “Until we find the rest of the skeleton, I think we should shelve the heavyweight-contender issue,” he mentioned.

But Hans Thewissen, a paleontologist at Northeast Ohio Medical University, who was not concerned within the research, mentioned the estimate was cheap. “I agree with the excitement around the weight,” he mentioned.

The fossil means that Perucetus reached such a giant dimension with out feeding as blue whales do. The evaluation of its bones suggests it lived extra like a gargantuan manatee.

Manatees graze on sea grass on the ocean ground. Their lungs are filled with air, and their guts produce fuel as they ferment their meals. To keep underwater, manatees have advanced dense bones as ballast.

The construction of Perucetus’s backbone is just like that of a manatee. Dr. Amson envisioned the whale swimming in a manatee model, slowly elevating and reducing its tail.

Based on the rocks the place the fossils had been discovered, Dr. Amson and his colleagues suspect that Perucetus moved slowly by means of coastal waters no deeper than 150 toes. But how they fueled their large our bodies continues to be a thriller.

Dr. Amson mentioned it was attainable that Perucetus additionally consumed sea grass, however that will make it the primary herbivorous whale identified to science. “We deem it unlikely, but who knows?” he mentioned.

Dr. Amson even imagines Perucetus presumably residing as a scavenger, selecting over carcasses.

By distinction, Dr. Thewissen favored the concept these whales scooped up mud from the ocean ground to eat the worms and shellfish it contained — one thing that grey whales do in the present day.

The head of Perucetus would have variations for whichever lifestyle it pursued. “I would love to see the skull of this guy,” Dr. Thewissen mentioned.

However it made a residing, Perucetus is proof that whales didn’t have to attend till not too long ago to get big. “The most important message is not that we can enter the Guinness Book of World Records,” mentioned Dr. Amson. “It’s that there’s another path to gigantism.”

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